Understanding application data recordsΒΆ

The UAS runs applications. When an application completes, the UAS will write an application data record (ADR) to a file. The ADR will contain the application’s return code.

Positive return codes are considered to indicate a successful run of the application. Negative values indicate an error. Negative values from -1 to -99 are reserved by the UAS, values from -100 onwards can be used by the application writer. Below is a list of the values that currently can be returned by the UAS:

  • -1 The application did not return an integer value (possibly because an exception was not caught).
  • -2 An inbound call was aborted before the application could be launched.
  • -3 The named application does not exist.
  • -4 The named application is not valid (possible syntax error).
  • -5 The named application returned a reserved value.
  • -6 The application direction is incorrect (inbound / outbound).
  • -9 The UAS raised an exception, possible error in the UAS.

Among other details, the ADR will also show the application’s name, direction (inbound or outbound), start time and duration.

The Management Console has a page that will display the twenty most recent ADRs that have a negative return code. By clicking on one of the ADRs you can retrieve the log for that call. When debugging an application, it can be quite useful to have it always return a negative value so that the log can be easily retrieved via the Management Console ADRs page.

For information on the ADR log file please go here.

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