Received fax Details

class ReceivedPageDetails

Holds details of the received fax page. The details are filled in as the fax progresses. The FaxToReceive document object has a property PageDetails which is a list where each element is of this type.

The page details recorded are:


The number of bad lines received for this page.


The largest number of consecutive bad lines received for this page.


The total number of lines received for this page.


The receive quality for this page, where quality is of type PageQuality.

Usage example:

# create the fax document object
my_fax = FaxToReceive('my_fax.tiff')
# receive the fax and check the number of pages received
if channel.FaxReceiver.receive(my_fax) == channel.FaxReceiver.Cause.NORMAL:
    # the fax terminated normally, print the number of pages received
    print("Fax received {0} pages.".format(channel.FaxReceiver.Details.pages))
    # print the quality judgement for each page, held in the PageDetails list
    for page in my_fax.PageDetails:
       print("Received page quality: {0}".format(page.receive_quality))
class PageQuality

The quality of the received fax page. The class ReceivedPageDetails exposes a property of this type.

There are three quality assessments for a received fax page.


There are no errors on this page.


There were errors but they have been fixed.


Errors remain on the page, they could not be fixed.