Call detailsΒΆ

class CallDetails

Holds call channel details.

This property returns call channel information.


The destination address of the current call.


The original destination of the current call.


The originating address of the current call.


The codecs list for the current or call.


The connected call channel ID (see the connect function).


Call diversion information.


Call attestation information.


An underlying raw cause value (specific to the call protocol in use). Note: A value of -1 indicates that the call was hung up before connection due to in-band call progress tones that indicated an error.


This is for outbound calls only. This property identifies the far end type as determined by live speaker detection. By default this is set to UNKNOWN. When live speaker detection is activated this will go to None until the far end type has been identified or the algorithm times out. On a timeout the type will revert to UNKNOWN.


This is for inbound calls only. If this is True it means that early media can be negotiated. See the ring function for instructions on sending early media. A good introduction to the concept of early media is given on the freeswitch wiki.

Individual items of information may be readily obtained in the following manner:

call_to = channel.Details.call_to

This information can be retrieved even after the call has gone to idle, it will persist until the next call.