The Applications page

This page displays a list the applications that have been successfully loaded by the UAS.

For each application this page will display the following:

  1. Application name, the name given to the application.

  2. Version, the application version number.

  3. Direction, indicates whether the application is Inbound or Outbound.

  4. Running, is the number of instances of the application currently active. The blue progress bar next to the count is a non-linear busy indicator.

  5. Completed, is a count of the number of times the application has run.

  6. Passed %, is a count of the number of times the application has run successfully. The count is displayed as a percentage of the number of times the application has been completed.

  7. Failed, is a count of the number of times the application has failed. The red progress bar next to the count is a non-linear error rate indicator.

It is possible to sort the table by any column, simply click on the column name. This page will update every few seconds.

The table also provides a few management options:

  1. Reset, click on this column heading to reset the Completed, Passed and Failed counters for all the applications.

  2. reset, click on this icon to reset the Completed, Passed and Failed counters for a particular application.

  3. download, click on a download icon to download the application file from the UAS.

  4. remove, click on a remove icon to uninstall an application from the UAS. This will also delete the application file.

  5. view, click on a view icon to drop down a new table with a return codes and timing summary for the application.

This page also provides the option to upload an application to the UAS. Uploading an application will cause it to be added to the list of known applications (if it passes a set of tests) and stored in the UAS’s applications directory.

For more help with this page please see the Management Console Help page.