



OutboundServiceQueueWebServiceImpl Oubound service queue web service implementation.


ApplicationDataRecord The application data record contains details of the application instance.
ApplicationErrorRecord An application error record.
ApplicationStatus Represents the status of an application
ApplicationStatusWebService Application status web service class
CallDataRecord Represents a call data record
ConferenceDetails The details of a reserved or active conference.
ConferenceParticipant The details of a conference participant.
ConferenceParticipants The details of conference participants.
ConferenceWebService Conference management web service class
FeatureDataRecord Represents a feature data record
FileDeleteStatus The status of a file deletion.
FileDetails The details of a file.
FileWebService File Management Web Service.
FolderListResult The result of a folder list.
Message SMS/MMS Message for sending
MessageBlockedDetails Message blocked details.
MessageStatus SMS/MMS message status
MessageStatusUpdate SMS/MMS message update handler.
MessageWebService Message management web service.
MonitorRecordingWebService Monitor Recording Web Service.
NumberDeleteError Number delete error.
NumberDetails Number details.
NumberLookupResult The result of a number lookup.
NumberLookupWebService Number Lookup Web Service.
NumberPurchaseRequest Number purchase request.
OutboundInstanceStatus Outbound instance status
OutboundQueueInfo The info about an outbound queue.
OutboundQueuePurgeResult The result of an outbound queue.
OutboundRestInstanceConfiguration Outbound REST instance configuration
OutboundServiceWebService Outbound Service Web Service.
OutboundStatusWebService Outbound Status Web Service.
PropertyHolder A helper class for extracting information returned by web services.
ProtocolCheckResult Protocol Check result.
RegisteredWebRTCClientDetails The details of a registered WebRTC client.
RegulationAddressDetails Regulation address details.
ReportProgressDetails Report progress details.
ReportWebService Report Web Service.
RestInterruptResult REST Interrupt result.
RestInterruptWebService REST Interrupt Web Service.
SecurityWebService Security Web Service.
ServiceInfo The info about a service.
ServicesWebService Services Web Service.
TelephoneNumbersWebService Telephone Numbers Web Service.
WebRTCClientWebService WebRTC Client Web Service.
WebServiceException The exception class raised when errors occur.
WebServicesBase Base class for all Web Services.